In early December, Compass Renewable Energy Consulting Inc. launched a proposal for a large Battery Energy Storage System [BESS] to be built north of Picton adjacent to County Road 5.
Picton BESS Limited Partnership was created by Compass Renewable Energy Consulting Inc. for developing the Project, with support from Capstone Infrastructure Corporation. Capstone is approved by the Independent Electricity System Operator [IESO] among the 55 Qualified Applicants with the experience and capabilities to successfully develop, construct, and operate facilities acquired through these procurements.
The Project will be submitted to the IESO Request for Proposals under the Expedited Long-Term 1 procurement. The IESO requires that the local municipality is in favour of the specific ‘green energy’ projects as a condition for review of the project by IESO.
As it is of utmost importance to us that Picton BESS be correctly integrated into the County of Prince Edward, we are seeking to incorporate public feedback through Public Community Meetings and a Project Website
into the development of this Project.
The Wellington Times provided a comprehensive report and local commentary on this proposal.